
Out of context: Reply #20

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  • luckyorphan0


    You are in an interesting position.

    Clearly, the agency wants you because they offered you the job. And you want to work for them (I'm assuming), because they money is good and they have big clients that could enhance your folio and experience.

    Question is, how good is your relationship with the person who interviewed you? Could you ask them what their policy is about freelancing? Or do you think that would be a buzz-kill, and lead to an offer being rescinded? If you think you can ask, do so. Then if they say that it is prohibited, ask for more salary. Or at the very least, tell them that you cannot start right away because you've made agreements with freelance clients and you believe to the core of your being that providing quality design services is what you're all about, and that doing anything less for your current clients would be unprofessional. Mgmt. types eat that shit up.

    Either way, to me, it sounds like the best policy is to inform them. What happens if you are asked to pull a full weekend on a Friday afternoon because the agency got a sudden chance to turn around a killer proposal for an amazing client that you would kill to work on – yet, you've already committed to a freelance gig? It's rare, I know, but that would be exactly the wrong time to kill your freelance contact, and inform your new boss that you'll only be half-available because of your previously undisclosed moonlighting, and could lead to your eventual dismissal, just because people don't think you're a team player.

    I'm just sayin' that I've seen it happen. Tread lightly and with full disclosure. No games.

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