
Out of context: Reply #76

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  • ukit0

    I don't mind films like this as long as there is a decent story. Terminator 2, for instance, a commercial Hollywood flick (by the same guy) that had a well written script. There was suspense, character development, you weren't 100% sure of what was gonna happen at the end. The special effects were good but even without them, it would still be worthwhile.

    Now imagine Avatar without any special effects. Sure, you could say the effects are the whole point, but after 4 or 5 films like this (and judging by the previews many more are on the way) we'll all be sick of it. It will come down to imagination and story telling in the end like always, two points this film was a bit lacking on.

    • It wasn't lacking in graphics imagination, which, as you said, is the point.juhls
    • Maybe, but it seemed more like Cameron just went to some animators and said make me some cool looking aliens rather than having his own vision.ukit
    • than having his own creative visionukit
    • The aliens (a lot of them) looked similar to the ones added in to the reworked Star Wars films.ukit
    • I wouldn't know.juhls
    • Or so I hear;)ukit
    • a film ain't good because its special effects are good, a film needs to tell something not just a pocahontas sci-fi story.spraycan
    • That's not for you to decide. If a film is advertising its graphics more, then people are going for that reason. Not for the story.juhls
    • you dont know anything about cinema, i dont want to argue with you. you should go and see Pocahontas.
    • cheersspraycan

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