Pho Toes

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • Meeklo0

    I guess it's like buying a Ferrari and then asking how to drive a manual.
    – monospaced2/4


    Buying a ferrari and not knowing how to drive stick is a lot different than driving a civic.

    He said hes getting an dslr camera, he never said he dropped 25k on it, he is most likely getting a consumer camera, and I think there is no better way to learn than using one, not everyone has access to the white construct from the matrix you know?

    give the guy a break, he is being respectful to you although you have been mean to him from the first post.

    To whoever started the thread.

    1) If you have friends that shoot, try asking them to go shooting one afternoon with them to pick their brain, and after that get them a beer.

    2) Go to a bookstore and browse around for basic books on dSLRs hopefully one that covers the same brand you are using, so you learn the basics.

    3) sit on your dining table with the salt and pepper (or any other subject you want to photograph) and start reading the manual, and trying the different settings, the ONLY way to learn is hands on practice in my opinion, then on the computer check the photos and see the results, which settings worked better for that subject and under what light conditions, try to understand why, and next time you are on a similar setting you will know what to do.

    Avoid shooting on automatic, unless you can't figure out what to do, its common to do a few test shots before you start taking photos on any situation and its normal that from 50 photos on one session you only liked 1 or 2

    good luck man

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