Leo Burnett Hong Kong

Out of context: Reply #33

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  • Horp0

    "ukit, are you retarded? It's about justice! That's what the copyright laws are based on, fairness and justice."

    What copyright has been broken here exactly Fibonacci?

    Sure, in an ideal world it would be better for advertising to come up with its own ideas rather than appropriating the work of others. At the very least it would be ethical for the advertising industry to have a rule that if they want to appropriate someone else's creative discovery then they have to commission the same person to do it... but there is no copyright infringement here.

    You can't apply a process to a shape and then expect to be the sole owner, globally, of any similar process using similar shapes or subject matter, it can't be done. We would all be sat here in legal straight jackets if that ever came to pass.

    To my mind the ads are a bit of a fail anyway. The original use, with its blood suggested something morbid and dark, and the process worked well for that. Here though, they're trying to create a positive and desirably body image that looks aspirational and in optimal health, and frankly they all look a bit chewed up and deformed, and covered in slurry.

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