Sniper Gets Sniped Tonight

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • Orbit0

    Put aside the fact that this person may or may not be 'mentally ill'. Surely the point is that the punishment should make a clear and unambiguous statement to everyone else that killing is wrong.

    If you kill a killer, then you are undermining the moral certainty. You are fragmenting the statement "Killing is wrong" into two statements "Killing is wrong" and "Death is a valid punishment".

    Its very easy for deranged, deluded, sociopathic individuals to justify random acts of murder to themselves as some kind of justice, so the death penalty actually enforces the strange frame of mind of a would-be killer, as opposed to detering it.

    The only punishment for this kind of thing is life-long hardship and deprivation in prison, and for that life of hardship to be used as some kind of anti-marketing material.

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