Sniper Gets Sniped Tonight

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • lukus_W0

    I think this kind of thing involves a weird kind of paradox.

    To be able to commit something like this, I think the person has to be seriously mentally ill. It's obviously not normal behaviour. If they relish or enjoy it - that too has to support the idea that they're mentally ill and fucked up.

    But the idea of punishing someone for a crime like this is crazy. I don't think there are any forms of punishment that can teach someone who's mentally fucked up a lesson.

    I think the only logical reason to use punishment in this kind of case is because the act of punishing the perpetrator might act as a deterrent to others - but in serious cases like this, normal healthy people don't need a reminder that it's wrong.

    The only way to deal with it is to either rehabilitate (which may be impossible in some cases), or to exercise some kind of damage limitation to stop them doing it again.

    I guess killing them is the easiest form of damage limitation - but I think viewing it as punishment is dangerous. It confuses the real motivation behind capital punishment which seems to be more about finding easy solutions to get rid of social undesirables.

    If you examine it in these terms, capital punishment becomes a form of garbage disposal - and on the most basic level I think this is too barbaric for a society that wants to be known as civilised.

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