Antichrist (movie)

Out of context: Reply #29

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  • Ironmonkey0

    I got a copy of it through....magic. Heres the deal.

    I look bad and realize that watching it on my projector on my 4am, after a night of drink, stoned out of my mind was a bad idea. I most likely would have beleived anything I watched. I really fucked with myself watching it, its real cerebral in the way it fucks with you. I'm not sure if I would say its a good movie, I will say it is shot outstandingly. If the point of the movie was to disturb you, it passes its blackbelt test.

    Shocking to say the least. I could see that movie being released as NC-30 or XXXXX. I think the average American is going to hate it, but I feel like that is the point....

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