Apple magic mouse?

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  • Mojo0

    I'm a mac user, but fuck this mouse - it's like the thinnest thing ever. I've started getting rsi like symptoms, so I bought a new mouse... :

    Microsoft Natural 6000 Laser Wireless.

    I paid £20.

    Fucking great mouse. Really ergonomic (ms get their peripherals right mostly), very sensitive - and bloody cheap! £20! come on! £60 for a thin-ass magic mouse with unergonomic (I tried it, felt unnatural to my fingers) multi-touch? This is not the multi-touch mouse I was hoping for :/

    I'd encourage anyone with mouse-induced arm pain to get one of these babies, totally stopped the pain from getting worse, and eased it off. When I use a normal mouse, the pain comes back.
    +100 Microsoft.

    • don't blame your pre-existing condition on the badass magic mouse. thank you.lambsy

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