Identity Crit

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • lukus_W0


    I really like the concept that you've come up with.

    "iconic "alembic" as an alchemical device" - I think that's a great idea, but like other people have said I think the actual execution seems a bit whimsical. If I'm honest, it makes me think of 'children's TV production house' before financial services.

    In terms of working on the concept - I'd try to demonstrate the transformational aspect of the alembic some how. At the moment it seems that something has exploded and hot air is the only thing that's been produced.

    Chances are (without prior knowledge) people viewing the logo aren't going to know what an alembic is. I did a google and saw some pics on wiki which show the alembic as a two stage device... maybe the pictogram part could show both and highlight that the good stuff is produced in stage two using some kind of starburst?

    Anyway, just my tuppence worth.

    • good response mate - better than the usual 'fuck off its shit' stuff...jimzyk

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