Dante West Panthers

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • Point50

    shit like this sucks. it's a violent game, so this is bound to happen. I doubt Wesley saw the fair catch signal (I didn't) and judging by the shadow of the ball I bet he thought he was right on time to arrive when the ball did. obviously his perceptions were all way off. delivering a blow to under the chin with the forearm didn't make things any better.

    personally though, I kind of get pissed at all of the protection going on for offensive players lately. I understand why, but it's re-shaping the game. Ray Lewis got fined $25k for hitting in the air as he was going up for a ball (a defenseless position) ... so basically, as a defensive player, you have wait for the receiver to catch the ball and come down with it to even begin to make a tackle or lay a hit? It is now safe to go across the middle, crazy. it must make the NFL seem exciting now with all of the scoring going on.

    • *for hitting Ochcocinco in the airPoint5
    • This is how it is in Rugby, it's a basic safety measure and I'd go so far as to call it a courtesy not to fucking thump someone in mid air...rascuache
    • air, where they're unable to position themselves to defend against the hit and avoid injuryrascuache

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