Dyson Air Multiplier

Out of context: Reply #40

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  • Orbit0

    Why is this crap still in the list of topics? Its a fan. Its not a very good fan. This whole thing about buffeting is utter crap. A fan turning slowly still gets the air moving. You don't have to have a fan set to full hurricane speed if you don't want to. Its a techno gimmick for the mindless iphone generation who have not learned a fucking thing from this global financial crisis and will, for no reason other than being too weak to resist the need to have the very latest "cool item", go and spend hundreds of pounds/dollars/euros on a fan that basks them in a sense of self-value and allows them to feel like they are buying into a lifestyle of success and discerning taste.

    This kind of shit is like crack. People are addicted to it. People who should know better will go and buy one of these, on a credit card probably, regardless of whether they need one, or whether its effective, or whether in the current climate they should really be spending 10x the average market cost on a weak arsed bit of marketing fluff. They'll just need to have it on their desk so they feel good about themselves.

    Sickening. I hope they all develop faults and have to have the fan that's probably hidden in the base unit replaced under warranty.

    *Switches on Emerson 12", set to low speed, to cool off from rant. Now that's a stylish fan, motherfuckers. If you want to be cool, get a vintage Emerson. Its the perfect fan for today's climate.


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