Human Origins Rethink ?

Out of context: Reply #65

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  • gramme0

    Hey miko, I consider you to be a friend, at least as much of a friend as one can have in a virtual forum such as this. So I'll ask without malicious intent, what do you see as illogical about anything I've ever said in these discussions?

    Also: death cult? Really? Do I strike you as the sort of person who would subscribe to a "death cult"?

    There's absolutely no reason why science and religion can't co-exist peacefully without canceling one another out. If we can get past the fact that everyone applies a bias of some sort to objective or "objective" evidence, and that personal belief and scientific inquiry can never be perfectly divorced from one another—because it's inscribed on our very nature to believe in something, be it ourselves, God, or a flying spaghetti monster—then we can establish mutual respect for one another.

    By mutual respect I don't mean perfect agreement. It's quite possible to respect someone and yet believe they're deeply mistaken about things. We don't need to squash those who disagree with us into oblivion in order to coexist. This would create a new kind of totalitarian morality, the very thing you rail against.

    • I think he just likes to hear himself talk (or type) as his whole statement above is simply inflammatory.designbot

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