AT&T frustration part II

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • zaq0

    These are comments from the link I posted above. Some good points there:

    Actually, it is not a technical issue.

    A technical issue would be an error in coding or a broken physical component.

    This is a shareholder issue. The shareholders allow (actually insist that) the corporate heads squeeze every last drop from the customer base's wallets while keeping operating costs as low as possible.

    Allowing customers to be kicked off cell towers because the towers are overloaded is a calculated risk that the shareholders are willing to take. they will continue in this behavior until something MASSIVE and NEGATIVE happens to the bottom line that makes it more important to spend the money to upgrade the towers and coverage - like a mass exodus of customers.

    Unfortunately, people are stupid. That's why they choose the iPhone's "shiny" over Verizon's rather plain (but more dependable) network. The shareholders know that American consumers are a vain bunch and that those vain, stupid customers cannot go anywhere else to get their iPhone fix.

    So, you have people that "just have to have an iPhone" and only one place to get it. (Sounds like a monopoly on iPhone service doesn't it?)

    People won't wise up. Apple will blame AT&T and AT&T shareholders will demand that the AT&T corp heads squeze those vain, stupid people for all that they are worth (and then some if they can get it).

    In the real world, vanity feeds greed. The greedy know this and the vain don't care enough to change.

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