Unusual social groups

Out of context: Reply #17

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    Things that automatically make for interesting photos are people out of their typical context--for instance, people who act crazy at clubs at night, but return to their respectable job during the day, and people surrounded with the accoutrements of what they do. So, for instance, a motorcycle group entirely surrounded by their disassembled motorbikes. With that in mind, here are 12 ideas, gratis:

    1) Bonzai tree growers
    2) Amputee athletes
    3) Orchid grower
    4) BDSM clubbers
    5) Very heavy duty auto customizers
    6) Beatle fanatics
    7) Mimes
    8) Undertakers
    9) Podiatrists
    10) Amateur theatricals
    11) Croupiers
    12) Bingo Hall attendees

    Now get on that, and report back when you're famous...

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