Paranormal Activity

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • zman0

    you guys watch the show Ghost Hunters? I've seen a ton of the episodes now and there's some pretty amazing stuff. I used to hate it because it just seemed like a bunch of flakes running around with flashlights but then I saw/heard the stuff they were recording.

    SO like either they're totally full of shit and actively making up fabricated horror movie quality stuff or there's some real unbelievable evidence of paranormal activity. LIke full sentences out of no where or responding to a question and people walking through thermal cameras without being visible on regular camera.

    • try it for yourself. But just don't do it in your own place.morilla
    • sorry to ruin it for you, but its fake, my ex bf was a cameraman on the show, he ruined it for me2jay_jay
    • What parts and episodes?morilla
    • that show couldn't be more boring and lame. fake or not. loud noises in the dark in nite-vision isn't scary.dopepope

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