
Out of context: Reply #59

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  • ukit0

    Wouldn't it be ironic if, hundreds of years later, the world ended up with communism?

    • we'd have to stop evolving. self interest is what makes us move ahead and what ruins communism.airey
    • self-interest doesn't ruin communism. It ruins liberalism.Corvo2
    • think about it. what destroys liberalism? disbelief. self-interest creates disaffection = communism.Corvo2
    • Self-interest and greed is what stems communism. If you respect what communism is, you'll understand where itCorvo2
    • comes from. Where does it come from? It's not a disease, sure. So where does it come from?Corvo2
    • It comes from the belief that people are crooked.Corvo2
    • Classical liberalism or US Democrat liberalism?raf

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