Deutsche Bank

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • raf0

    A transcript of the intro voiceover mumbojumbo:

    Elite Private Banking.
    Everything we do exceeds frames of commonplace banking.
    Elite Private Banking is not only banking, it is also creative thinking.
    We rise above monotony and conventions.
    We break barriers and limitations.
    We create new perspectives and expand horizons.
    Welcome to the world of real private banking.

    I reckon target market are people who have money and want special treatment by the bank, ie. a personal counselor, ultra–platinum–elite cards and being invited to a special room rather than waiting in line with the peasants. It is supposed to seem like a closed club.
    They only have four locations in a 39 million country so chandeliers are a strong possibility and leather chairs are a sure bet.

    It is done ok, but in a dated style.
    There is a fucking intro (and the preloader counter always spins, even if content is cached). At all times you have to wait a few seconds for the menu to unveil and menu button sounds(!) seem ripped from 2A.
    There is a spinning logo ffs!

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