Record labels

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • Point50

    technology has provided convenience for people: convenience to share, steal, download or whatever you want to call it. We all know the feeling of paying $15 for CD, getting home and finding out that the only songs worth a shit on the whole fucking album are the two that you heard on the radio or saw the videos for on MTV. It's almost a blind purchase. The internwebz, p2p networks and CD dup/ripping let people avoid that fucking headache. You would think the record industry would take a hint and maybe produce quality, but instead, most of the shit they put out is pure hype. And getting music for free isn't getting people to like it any more than if they paid for it. Shitty music is still shitty music, no matter what the price.

    • sorry for the rant; not really addressing the thread question directly.Point5
    • its true that a lot of these labels produce shit, but people seem to buy it. the labels still bring in a tidy sum.spifflink

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