Flash Question

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • 10 Responses
  • Autokern0

    From what i see from the example you linke you should do this way

    store all your movieClips into an array then do with this for cycle
    mc_array // that is the array of your movie clips
    for (var i = 0; i < mc_array.length; i++)
    mc = array_mc[i]
    if (i ==0)
    mc._x = [your x position]
    mc._y = [your y position]
    } else{
    prev_mc = array_mc.[i-1]
    mc._x = prev_mc._x+ prev_mc._width + [distance]
    if (mc._x+ mc._widt > [available width])
    mc._y = prev_mc._y + prev_mc.height + [distance]
    }else {
    mc._y = prev_mc._y

    That should do
    between square brackets are the numeric value you should know/determine according to what you need.

    Better if you put this into a function and you call it everytime you resize the stage.

    • <- and there's your math! :)PonyBoy
    • that could be done with less lines, but this is better for the clarity of the processAutokern
    • there are some mistakes in the syntax (not doing AS2 since a while, so i keep forgetting the underscores before the properties)Autokern
    • properties)Autokern

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