Brad Pitt Rocks!

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • gramme0

    I love Brad Pitt as an actor, and I think his philanthropic efforts are very commendable and very useful in the lives of downtrodden people (I'd call those efforts Christ-like, even), but I just lost a lot of respect for him at the personal level. I stopped watching shortly after he called Maher's movie "insightful". It's not because of his disdain for organized religion—he's certainly entitled to his opinion—but the implied misunderstandings about middle-road objections to the legal validations of gay marriage, as well as his assessment that Maher's movie was actually worth a damn. The issue of legalizing pot, well I won't even dignify that one with a response.

    (Notice I say "middle-road" objections, because there are people who claim to be religious that do in fact hate gays, and are very wrong for doing so; but the middle-road approach is one that accepts people as they are but is not willing to accept all of their actions and choices as legally valid. Because yes, it is possible to separate person from action in a relational sense. We all have intrinsic equal value, but none of us are doing commendable things all of the time, and to deny that fact is to become a push-over. E.g., one can go down to their local homeless shelter and try to befriend and help out drug addicts, all without endorsing their drug addiction.)

    We've become a culture that shapes moral standards based on what's currently popular, and on misguided notions of tolerance. I think a lot of people have bastardized the true meaning of tolerance and acceptance. And I think Maher is dead wrong that people who think this way about "tolerance" are "in the closet". Rather, they are very vocal and proud of their stance. Which is fine, we live in a great country where such freedom is allowed, but that also means I'm free to think they're mistaken.

    • So what you're saying is you accept gays, but they'll burn for their sins?schjetne
    • All of us, myself included, are responsible for our sins, unless we allow Christ to shoulder that burden.gramme
    • I believe we're all in the same boat whether we realize it or not.gramme
    • Even if marriage is contended - an equal standing (in a legal sense) is something gay couples deserve.lukus_W

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