Design Making You Evil

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • Boz0

    well don't accept those projects then. Simple eh?

    Oh wait, you want to make money? More money then you need?

    It's capitalism. Simple as that. I've worked with huge corporations and movie industry and car industry and I picked projects I liked for the most part. I can personally hate companies this is my job and I l love designing, creating. Unless it hurts someone directly it's about choice. I do feel happy if campaign is successful not because I made people buy a product from a rotten company but the fact that I created something that appealed to people and made good money off of it. That's what makes it worth while.

    It's really a choice. You can take those you like, you can decline those you don't. Ask yourself why you do stuff you do.

    You can always go and do something that doesn't make you feel that way, but the fact is that your lifestyle and many other things change. So you can't really have it both ways. Altruism was never profitable.

    So if we do what we do and complain about evil capitalism, it makes us kind of hypocrites, doesn't it?

    • God thoughts Boz, I kind of feel the same way. Though I'm more enthusiastic about the idea part rather than the design seeing the light of day, no matter how battered.nikdaum
    • the light of day, nomatter how battered it might be by the end.nikdaum
    • +1TomBac

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