lol. are they insane?

Out of context: Reply #51

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  • brains0

    @moth, well, surely they are working on a new OS, but they also just spent a bunch of time and resources taking their already fully functioning os, and re-writing a load of things (including finder) to make it faster, smaller and more efficient. If you ask me, THAT'S forward thinking.

    • +1 yes!akrokdesign
    • I hope that's sarcasm.moth
    • No way man, if windows ever spent enough time with a single OS to make it stable and intuitive, I might have considered staying with windows.brains
    • Are you kidding acro?moth
    • But it's still an OS!moth
    • Stayed with windows. Microsoft just pumps out shit that isn't even close to finely tuned and plays shitty-crash catchup.brains
    • They should be reinventing the whole concept of an OS. They should be scrapping it altogther!moth
    • Fuck new features for a while, give me something insanely stable, reliable and fast.brains

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