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Out of context: Reply #11

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  • MrOneHundred0

    I had some a while back, many actually. I had a friend on the inside at ffffound. It was a pretty sweet deal. My friend would give me 10-20 at a time, and I wouldn't even really have to do too much in return - just something like sexual favours, but not sexual favours, if you know what I mean. But like all good things, it came to an end - we had a falling-out of sorts - I don't want to get into it here, but someone is no longer on my Christmas card list. I heard recently they left ffffound to go and work in Germany doing something, but I could never get a clear answer as to what. I really think they got fired for some hanky-panky involving the ffffound bigwig - a big name in the computer industry - and his "significant other". I did get sent a postcard, I believe from them, which was actually just a photo of a laser printed sign which, when translated read "water sports models are kindly requested to refrain from eating asparagus 24 hours before a shoot". I still don't understand what that means. Cryptic, to say the least, but I hope this helps.

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