Quirky Agency Names

Out of context: Reply #29

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  • 23kon0

    Good for business if its a decent and inspired word.

    Just started a new company a couple of months ago, after going through loads of wanky words, searching thesaurus.com etc the new name came to me in a flash of inspiration.

    The Weather

    No real reasons why we went with that name but there was lots of contributing factors, the day the compay we were working for went into liquidation was one of the hottest and sunniest days of the year so far, and the last thing I said when leaving the building was "what about the weather?!".

    Marketing and headline potential for the name is endless.

    One of the other guys wasnt too sure on the name and was a bit nervous or felt strange answering the phone to that name or when telling someone the name of the company he would nervously laugh afterwards.
    But now its had time to sink in and he can see the greatness of the name he's fine with it.

    Had nothing but praise for the name from all clients and from other creative agencies.

    It's all about the work you do and the confidence you project.

    names .. they mean nothing (but everything)
    why not
    navy blue

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