joshua davis bashing by CR

Out of context: Reply #176

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  • identity0

    my two cents:

    Everyone stop hating on Carson and Davis. Regardless about how you feel about their work, they were pioneers of their methods. Now, you might say (as i've heard on here COUNTLESS times) "I could totally do that!" well, I would argue that a lot of people could PROBABLY do Rothko or Picasso - but LIKE Carson and Davis - their work is at one point aesthetically pleasing, but MORE importantly, their work mark a shift in aesthetic, concept, technique, etc. If we hold all designers/artists up to the classification of "i can do that" than lets go to the top. Let's talk about Vermeer. Let's talk about Van Eyk. Lets talk about realism. Realism became less important with the introduction of the photograph - does it make it any less valuable today? no.
    I would question most of the people that are arguing that "they could do this too" - "what" exactly can you do? copy a style? Try creating a fucking style/technique/movement. I'd love to see how easy that is.

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