joshua davis bashing by CR

Out of context: Reply #121

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  • francoisfido0

    define 'art' you fucks.

    • i did this a while ago, it was very good, i'll try and remember it.Khurram
    • oh yeah - design is the medium, while art is the message in and of itself. Tada!Khurram
    • bollocksfrancoisfido
    • but why?Khurram
    • Art is that which answers the question.Horp
    • too reductive, like answering art as unicum, or self-expression.francoisfido
    • That's not a valid argument to dismiss something cost its said in a few words.Khurram
    • and what the fuck is unicum?Khurram
    • masterbationMrDinky
    • unicum: unique example, specimen
      (as per dinky 1 post below)
    • well that's even more preposterous then. You've taken random analogies to equate to what i saidKhurram
    • here i would like to know where the 'art' resides in the work of joshua davis. 'process' alone is not art.francoisfido
    • I'm not following your reductive argument. Would you prefer an essay on it? I'll try and get this in a longer wayusKhurram
    • That's not what you asked. Anyway, so "Design is a conduit for a message once removed, whereas art stands as the message in its immediacy"Khurram
    • message in its immediacy"Khurram
    • I prefer my first answer. Design is how you present the information, art IS the information.Khurram
    • that makes more sense. but my question was in relation to the way 'art' has been used here in re PrayStation.francoisfido
    • i like your 2nd one much better,
      art is also a medium.
    • Art is not the medium. Design is the medium. Art is the message in and of itself. In its very artefact it is the messageKhurram
    • This is why "originals" are sanctified. Because it is an artefact.Khurram
    • i accept your theoretical definition of art, i hope you are happy. but like i tried to say, it's not what i was asking.francoisfido
    • Shut the fuck up you bunch of whiners. this discussion never ends and only makes you look retarded.janne76

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