Does anyone still use castration as a method of pet overpopulation?

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  • set0

    I love how people try to justify it (ESKEMA)

    I am of the opinion that if you don't like something an animal does, don't have it as a fucking pet. Cutting balls off and removing wombs is not ok, ever.

    It takes away their primal reason to be alive, I remember seeing the change in behavior of the cats we had at home when I was a kid once they got 'done'.

    • my cat is exactly the same. the procedure however is not like when you were a kid.ESKEMA
    • How old was your cat when it was done though? Ours were done after having 3 or 4 litters and well into adulthood...set
    • so the change in behavior was noticeable, however if its done when they are young you can't tell how they would have acted as adultsset
    • adultsset
    • can you even call animals adults lolset
    • Sure. You can name them Chairman Meow. So adults seems fine too.era4O4

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