so, um, yeah

Out of context: Reply #7

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    The best part of all this is that a perfectly cordial thread on religion gets deleted, and yet somehow just about anything else flies.

    I'm still waiting on an answer from the moderators as to why the hell they deleted that thread, and I have it on authority that JK had nothing to do with that post being deleted. I mean, it's one thing to disagree with people; another thing entirely to delete entire discussions simply because you don't like what people are saying. Last I checked, this is a public forum and it seems just about everything from what to name one's baby to porn is acceptable.

    If the moderator in question found the thread redundant with the hundreds of other discussions we've had on religion, fine... just don't read the thread. It just seems ridiculously arbitrary to me the way some threads are deleted and others are not. And then I post a thread asking for an honest answer, and no one ponies up. I'm starting to wonder if at least one QBN moderator was one of those kids who used to get pushed around on the playground and unleashes all that angst on people through shoot-em-up video games, and yet lacks the cojones to look real people in the eye when they crawl out of their mildewy dungeon each afternoon to grab an oversized Mountain Dew.

    Come on, man up. I demand an answer.

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