Public Speaking

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • d_rek0

    That being said there are a lot of things to consider when speaking publicly and most of those considerations can be applied to both small and large-scale speaking events.

    A few quick pointers:

    1) Rough out your presentation and talking points beforehand in an outline format so you have a guide to go off of.

    2) Practice speaking in front of a mirror or into a microphone. This way you will be able to view yourself when you speak and be able to watch for nervous habits (hands on face, using your hands to talk, always looking down, etc).

    Talking into a microphone will help you understand more about the way you speak. Some people have a tendency to mumble or to no annunciate. Others are very soft spoken.

    3) Time yourself. Keep talking points concise. Nothing worse than when you're trying to present something and you not only bore people to death because you've blown 30 minutes of their time by rambling.

    4) Practice your speech/presentation before hand and run through ti at least 2 or 3 times until you feel comfortable giving it. Have someone sit in with you if you aren't comfortable talking to a wall or imagining a group or crowd.

    5) And... it's really not as bad as it seems. Just like anything it takes a little practice to get used to but eventually it becomes second nature. Cheers! :D

    • Thanks for the advice d_rek, great stuff. This is really helpful. Cheers!!!!!designbot

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