
Out of context: Reply #68

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  • bliznutty0

    10 Tips for Successful Panhandling

    1. Never Panhandle in Evening Clothes or a Business Suit
    No one cares how successful you once were. If you want spare change, dress the part, for God's sake.

    2. Look for High-Traffic Areas
    Look for panhandling locations where people still have change to spare. That means, stay away from Wall Street, high sub-prime mortgage neighborhoods and financial institutions. Instead, look for vacation resorts like Palm Beach and Disney World.

    3. Learn a Second Language
    And make sure it's a European language. Europeans have money to burn, and still seem to be more than willing to spend it on Americans.

    4. Come Prepared to Converse with Donors
    It's helpful to have a good story when you're panhandling. It's the law of supply-and-demand - people want something for their money, so the taller the tale, the better.

    5. Bring Show-and-Tell Items
    A photo of your family, a poorly lettered sign, a tin cup. All of these accoutrements can help you to divert attention away from other panhandlers and back to you - the deserving panhandler who did his homework.

    6. Show off a Talent
    If you play an instrument and it hasn't been seized by the government or taken to the pawn shop, then bring it with you and perform. If you're an artist, bring your tools. This isn't the Miss America Contest - talent actually counts.

    7. Make Eye Contact
    Look people in the eye. If you make eye contact with passersby, they might actually make eye contact with you. Not likely, but anything's possible.

    8. Be Realistic
    Don't set your expectations too high. If someone throws a dime into your violin case, be thankful. If it's a dollar, be gracious. If it's a tuna fish sandwich, take a lunch break.

    9. Make This a Family Activity
    Make panhandling a family activity. Just like they do on "The Apprentice," form a panhandling team and assign jobs to everyone. The kids can make signs, grandma can be on lookout for the cops, and you can concentrate on counting the money.

    10. Hide Your Money
    At the end of a long day of panhandling, remember to put your earnings away for safekeeping. Under your mattress.

    • this is supposed to be funny?utopian
    • no i iz serious.. you can always ask for $$ from strangers too!bliznutty
    • somehow heroin addicts on the streets make over $1000/week.. Panhandling is howbliznutty

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