"law" of evolution?

Out of context: Reply #67

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  • TheBlueOne0

    I guess we all carry unspoken baggage around with us when we get into these conversations. I am definitely on the science side of this debate if it's "intelligent design" sitting across the table. But I'm not necessarily anti-religion or anti-spirituality or whatever. But then again, my definition of religion/spirituality isn't Christian fundamentalism either. In fact, it's not really biblical based per se. See, where ukit says "Religion on the other hand, doesn't seem to feel any need to back up its claims about faith healing, resurrection, seas parting etc. I'd be a lot more impressed with religion if I could actually say cast a spell a la Final Fantasy and shoot a lightening bolt at someone or heal myself." well NONE of that is religious to me. That's just parlor tricks for the easily impressionable rubes. All that supernatural stuff is just rank BS to me. I think there's plenty of strangeness and wonder in the natural order of things to drop some sublime shit on our heads. I think there's plenty of space for a religious/spiritual mindset to operate in - the mysteries of life/death, ethics, despair, joy, peace/war..that to try and have it serve principally as some sort of theory of causation in natural phenomenon as the base explanatory rule set is just utilizing it for what it's good for .

    IMHO, teleos is either being entirely disingenuous (thus pulling a fast one on the rubes) or he's really THAT clueless (he is a rube) when he claims he doesn't see how assuming from the start there is a God at the start of all things and saying that science points to a supreme God because we need to "look at all the evidence". Science and religion shouldn't be at war with each other, and those that promote it do so for a reason that is helpful to neither, but primarily themselves. I also find it very interesting that those on the creationist..oops, I mean Intelligent Design...side of the debate like to frame science as "just another religion" as some sort of justification for what they're doing, when in fact science is simply not a religion, nor could it be. If there are people who operate under that mindset they are just as misled and equally a bunch of rubes as those who think that Jesus rode a dinosaur.

    Just calling it as I see it t-man. But what the hell do I know, I'm just a puny human.

    • "...what it's NOT good for" end of first paragraph.TheBlueOne
    • Thanks for the response TBO. I think we agree on a lot here. The main thing I was getting at is "understanding we don't understand everything" not through science and not through religion.designbot
    • not through science and not through religion.designbot
    • ..ooops got cut off "understanding that we don't understand everything".designbot
    • TBO, with you on most points there. Science / faith are not mutually exclusive.sublocked

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