Wow! processing.js

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • creez0

    here's an answer i got from j. resig blog:

    Most things work on IE, some things don't. Even so, IE is generally very slow at rendering. (We don't currently have the examples geared for rendering on IE on My feeling is that the way VML is hooked into a page, causes the whole page to become jerky during the rendering cycle. This means if you use EXCanvas in your pages, you will find it difficult doing even simple tasks such as scrolling or clicking a link.

    VML/ExCanvas is obviously not a long-term solution.

    The head of development for IE at Microsoft told me that the Canvas would only get implemented if their users requested it. If you are interested in getting any Canvas code working properly in internet explorer, you should join the Microsoft Connect network, add IE to your dashboard and add the Canvas as a feature request for IE9.

    Failing this; you should just pray IE soon disappears forever. But what are the chances of that happening?

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