Looking for Poem

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • iheartfun0

    Dind-dong went the church bell,
    as it struck the hour of one
    when I woke up to a living hell.
    Smoke filled my room,
    as my mother screamed
    and I awaited my doom.
    i looked for my bear,
    but then,
    i recognized my mother's hair.
    She held me tight,
    as she ran through the house
    and escaped into the dark night.
    but my bear was gone and i weeped for it,
    so my mom took of her sweater
    yes, the one that she knit
    and ran back to the house full of flames.
    So i sat out there
    and waited a minute then two.
    Finally i breathed in the cold air
    and knew that she wouldn't be back
    i started to cry, then suddenly,
    the house burned down to the ground.
    I walked back to the house
    in search of my mom
    but noone was there not even a mouse
    then i saw my bear
    and started to scream
    it layed next to my mother's hair.
    Dind-dong went the church bell
    as it struck the hour of two.

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