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Out of context: Reply #9
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- neue75_bold0
I'm getting the fuck out of europe, as everything I've heard points to things getting worse, in Holland nobody is hiring, I mean nobody... I've been miserable with my job for well over a year now and never intended to stay this long, but there's nothing going on here, especially if you're not a junior/middleweight so it seems like a good time to relocate to Melbourne where things have been picking up...
- nobody..neue75_bold
- but I would not dare to try and start my own gig in an already completely over saturated market at this point..neue75_bold
- Fishes and ponds, man.Nairn
- what happened to london???paraselene
- we can't get the highly skilled visa, they changed the requirements.. you now need a phd or a masters...neue75_bold
- I read and write at a 6th grade level...neue75_bold
- :-/
that's the economy for you. changin' all the rules. bummer.paraselene - it's the queens loss if you ask me..neue75_bold
- so sad, helvetica is her favourite fontkelpie
- If your there by Jan. we can catch up.MrRemote
- nice one, that'd be brilliant.. and I should be there by mid-October...neue75_bold