Big Web Applications CMS or Custom

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  • vaxorcist0

    Sounds more like an app than a CMS....

    Danger Will Robinson!
    A massive set of requirements, complicated user/privacy setttings and a ton of bolted on functionality may mean that you're essentially reverse-engineering the sociology of the subcultures and egos in the client's company and trying to codify this into a logical web-based system that cannot make everyone happy...

    This is how you get million dollar systems that are never finished, if you're Accenture, that's called a profitable business model, but if you're a small developer working on a flat bid, it's called a disaster...

    Many big companies throw in the towel and get MS Sharepoint, hire some $$$ consultants who make stuff that sort of works but looks odd, then try to find a cheap designer to fix it.... not my cup of tea at all, but I've been offered those gigs... maybe sharepoint has improved, but years ago I found it a designers nightmare that everyone around me thought was a panacea.... hard to explain that...

    ALSO:Building a custom CMS may mean lifetime support from one developer, as nobody else may understand it..

    Okay, so if you still want to do this.... I suggest a good developer and a framework, and ALOT of learning about specifications, and priorities, be willing to say things like "if you have x, you cannot have y except at alot more complexity"

    Expression Engine is built on top of Code Igniter, an application framework that's free and open source and documented. You might want to try using CI to build your app....Note that you, or your developer should know Object Oriented PHP and be willing to do things the codeIgniter way....

    Note that among developers, there are sometimes ego wars over frameworks..... if the developer looks at you like you're a mass murderer when you say "code igniter" then ask him/her what else they suggest....

    • I agree, having a custom app means that your developer _needs_ to document / follow best practice.. it's more of a risk imo.lukus_W

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