Public Enemies Font

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • 3 Responses
  • Ranger0

    From the comments...

    Hi all,
    The typeface isn't for sale, at the moment we are still doing the work for the main film, the prologue, locale and epilogue cards to be specific, so the font still in a stage that addresses the needs of the project, there is only uppercase and some of the punctuation, i.e. if there's a question mark in the text then we'll design it, this is due the the break next speed every thing had had to be done (spare the typographic crime responses, for this its is the needs of the project first), for example I heard from the client during the night they want to see, again, a slightly thinner weight for the prologue, epilogue cards, I've got a few hours today. . . ! (at this rate we'll have more weights than Knockout! HA! So, I think once the project is done and the film is out we'll go back to the typeface and create the lowercase and missing pieces and then make it available. Thats all I can tell you at the mo . . .

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