Give me Design or give me...

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • wwfc0

    ...give me design? - well, surely we are all surrounded by design? from the beds we sleep in, the coffee mugs we drink out of, the pavements that we walk on! - good or bad everything has been designed to serve a purpose. would you not say that cave paintings are just primitive info devices? manuscripts? everywhere we look there is design. in every format and discipline - it's all design based. we all wear clothes, we all wear shoes, we all take in vast amounts of engineered information every moment of every day.

    agreed there is some serious sh*te knocking around but that is the way it goes - the less well designed stuff makes the good stuff look great.

    i know that the current economic situation is leaving some people out on their ass - but surely if you love what you do - why worry! if you are good enough you will always get good gigs - if you aren't good enough, well maybe you shouldn't playing the game?

    we all have a "what's the point moment" but if you are truly dedicated, and even if you weren't employed to do it, you'd do it as a hobby, well then let the world see what you can do.

    sorry for a long winded rant - but surely the whole question is more about creating nice, fresh and original ideas executed with that little bit of something special?

    • no it's about having a life most likely.Pupsipu
    • ...yep, i'm sure you are right... it probably iswwfc

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