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Out of context: Reply #7

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  • Meeklo0

    I hate to bring the debate, but I get a bit discouraged when I hear comments like "xxxx is dead" or "xxxx is the ipod killer" thrown out just to bring controversy.

    For as long humans keep buying any kind of goods that need to be packaged (from toilet paper to electronics) print can't be dead.

    There will always be a need to develop the branding experience that comes with a label or package identifying a product.

    The only time the print industry can be dead is if for some apocalyptic reason, all brands of all kinds conglomerated into a single identity and there was no need to identify product A from product B. And I don't think that would happen in our lifetime.

    Print has taken a secondary place to interactive mediums (and I hate to use that term, because print mediums can be interactive too), I can agree with that, but to say that the entire medium is dead.. well.. is clearly dramatic, don't you think?

    • <<monospaced
    • it's dramatic enough if you count the jobs lostPupsipu
    • jobs lost everywhere pupsipu, print isnt dying, well said meeklojimzyk

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