wisdom teeth

Out of context: Reply #34

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  • mikotondria30

    OK, so I went and had it done yesterday morning..
    The assisting nurse wired me up to the eky, pulsOx, etc - it started to go 'bee....bee.....beee.' - I said 'oh, thats me doing the beep sound then, isnt it ?', she said 'sure is', so I said 'ok, lets slow that down then', and it instantly dropped about 15bpm, to her surprise...
    So then she took about 1/2 hour to find a proper vein and get my line in, at which point the dentist came in, said hi, and we started chatting -he asks me a question, and as Im answering I suddenly have a problem streaming the real world in real time - over the course of 2 minutes, I brokenly tell him 'ah - you've started doing the thing there, haven't you ?', meaning the iv anesthetic, and he doesnt answer, I just get the buffering motif for a few seconds, then the next thing I know, I'm getting up and sitting into a wheelchair.
    No pain, nice druggy feeling - fun chats and laughter with the staff.
    Came home, began taking percocet and generally becoming dizzy, sleepy and intolerably wise about everything on tv. Woke this morning with bloody taste in mouth but no swelling, and no pain.
    Good job, overall.

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