London Underground Strike

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • Ranger0

    It's a fucking shitty job to do, I wouldn't do it for 35K.

    Plus there must be more to it than pushing a big green button otherwise they wouldn't be fired for making reckless decisions. The hours they do, never seeing daylight, never seeing their family, often not seeing weekends... it's hard to feel envious towards them.

    The problem is the whole underground system is a money hemorrhage, owned by too many companies.

    • They can work anywhere else, just like anyone else.raf
    • 35 hrs a week!!!Dancer
    • this serious? you make it sound like they're away on the oil rigs working for minimum wage.Wolfboy
    • Dont be a twat, they choose to do that job for the salary and benifits...fatbot

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