Mac or PC shit

Out of context: Reply #49

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  • somatica0

    and i thought apple fanboys were bad

    in a related note we just had a lighthearted commentary running through an email thread in the creative department here in the office. we were all talking about how bad the new bing logo is and the young, and somewhat inexperienced pc developer went out of his way to try and justify the logo, then microsoft, then why pcs are better. he really ruined the flow of the day around here. yeah, and apple fanboys are bad they say.

    it's all a stupid arguement. pc backers will say how easy it is for them to upgrade HDs, video cards and processors in two years and hound macs cause they can't do that. but really, what percentage of computer users COULD do that!? so in two years if they wanted to upgrade what would they have to do? buy a new pc. just like pc guys say you'll have to do with a mac.

    but no matter what it all comes down to ones personal opinion. nothing more. we'll all talk until we're blue in the face about which one we think is better but it's only because we think it's better for us, not what machine might be better for person a or b.

    my dad? i helped him buy a new pc last year because for him, that was easiest and what he was more comfortable with. but now after coming over to the house and being around my imac he thinks he wants to make the switch. but that's his opinion ya know.

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