3 Wolves = Magic

Out of context: Reply #21

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    Tongue-in-cheek reviews boost wolf T-shirt's sales

    CONCORD, N.H. – A T-shirt depicting three wolves howling at the moon has gained an exploding following with a Facebook page and online videos — all because a customer posted a tongue-in-cheek comment on Amazon.com saying it made him a babe magnet.
    The Mountain, the Keene, N.H., company that makes the shirts, is selling thousands a day — and enjoying the comments.
    "We're laughing a lot more than we used to," owner Michael Krinsky said Thursday.
    Thousands responded to the original comment from last fall, adding to the shirt's supposed powers.
    But one wrote that after wearing his T-shirt for weeks, he suspected the benefits were exaggerated.
    "Not ONE supermodel has approached me," he wrote.
    The company said it does not guarantee wearers will become "a magnet for supermodels."


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