
Out of context: Reply #36

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  • Nairn0

    Scarabin - right there with you, my vampiric friend.

    I'm a picky smoker, and dealers here have been getting lazy and cheap over recent years, leaving progressively more and more fan leaf on the bud. Not good. Certainly not a great smoke... but there's still a lot of crystal on there. So, for the last few years I've been buying stupid-high strength 'vodka' (80%+), keeping all my shit leaf 'til there's an ounce or so, then dumping it in to a half-litre or so of the evil spirit. Shake it every couple of days, over a month or so, then a final shake and decant through a thickish filter.

    Fuck me if, when mixed with a [insert your favourite brand of over-sweet, over-caffeinated energy drink (mine is Irn-Bru 32, *shudder*)] it isn't a ludicrously efficient and strong way to get uber fucked. Such a great trap for unwary [ex-]friends.

    One thing for you - you shouldn't need to grind your weed up finely - the alcohol is an efficient weed solvent and will get it out of it's own volition. The bulk of your crystal is on the surface of the bud anyway. If you've quite green weed, you're only increasing the amount of undesirable plant tars and aromatics that dissolve-in, likely making it overbitter (which, when coupled with the already bitter wormwood is quite-so!).

    Anyway, glad to hear someone else does this - I'm genuinely surprised all long-term smokers don't.

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