new roommates...

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • Orbit0

    I had a friend once who was having a bunch of friends round for a dinner. It was his first time at having a grown-up dinner party even though he was about 27 at the time.

    Afterwards I asked him how it went. He said "Yeah it went really well, everyone was there and I met so-and-so's new boyfriend who's a really cool black bloke... which was cool"

    I just... I... eh? what? fucking hell.

    • isn't it ok for black blokes to be really cool. or should he have said "super fly"mydo
    • Its the middle class white excitement that leads to 'cool' being the default state of 'black blokes'Orbit
    • Robert Parissi: Play that funky music white boy.
      Orbit: Racist!
    • Right. I'll errr... I'll let you win this one I think. Well done.

      * backs away slowly.
    • You are on qbn to win?

    • maybe he was a black bloke who happened to be cool? is there EVER an ok way to say this?sputnik2
    • Would it be necessary to tell me he was black then?Orbit
    • ie in answer to your question, the correct way to tell me there was a really cool person at the dinner would be...Orbit
    • "I met so-and-so's new boyfriend who was a really cool bloke"Orbit

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