Is there a doctor in the house?

Out of context: Reply #45

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  • moth0

    Happened to me when we bought our house. Previous owner had a cat.

    Cats and dogs are basically filthy creatures, and it wont matter if you clean carpets or soft furnishings, only time will get rid of it. Cat and dog filth, from my own research, has a half-life of about 10 years - meaning if you wait 20 years, you'll feel much better.

    To avoid it in the future, I suggest spending the rest of your days educating the odd-breed of people who let filthy animals wonder around their houses.

    I have 18 years of sneezing left.

    • hahahahajuhls
    • (I know you're being serious...but just the way you said it)juhls
    • I'm 2/3 being serious.moth

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