
Out of context: Reply #470

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  • locustsloth0

    An addition to harle's theory:
    The island (or Jacob) is using Christian to speak to people. He told Locke to tell "his son" he said hi. It was at the point that Locke told Jack this tidbit that Jack turned around from being skeptical to being open about it and eventually being the driving force to get everyone back on the island.
    So it would stand to reason that future Jack (Jacob) would know that it would be the one thing that would get past Jack to agree to go back
    Further, it would stand to reason that the whole reason ANY of this is happening is because future Jack (Jacob) is trying to find someone to help him get free (the ring of ash and whatnot).

    Or maybe Jacob's just the dog

    • If he were the dog, it's be a really great 'Son of Sam' shout out, haha.harlequino

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