2012 for reals?

Out of context: Reply #105

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  • TheBlueOne0

    "basic point of the mayans understanding the scientific fact of galactical alignment"

    Dude, you can't even see the center of the galaxy with the naked eye. You need a radio telescope. The Milky Way is a smear of stars in the sky. The mayans did not conceive of "galaxy" in the modern scientific meaning of the term. Here is the Mayans understanding of the Milky Way:


    The only way one could get they saw a "center" from it has to do with the direct visible observation of the milky way from the perspective of the earth. This has nothing to do with the actual Galactic center or plane, which we only now about from radio astronomy and isn't related to what is the "center" of what appears visibly as the Milky Way from earth.

    Sigh. Why. do. I . fucking. bother.

    • see galactic equator then do a bunch of math, ,measure degrees on earth etc. simple shitKwesiJ
    • its aproxamate anywayKwesiJ
    • You CAN actually see the galaxy anyway...the mayans said it was a 'bone serpent' or some shitKwesiJ
    • You can't see it because we're part of it. You really are an idiot KwesiJmonospaced

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