"CGI" app of choice

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  • Horp0

    Funnily enough I heard of Blender for the first time today and downloaded it. I am of the mindset that a free app can't be a good app, but maybe I'll give it a go.

    I got offered a commission today and it was explained they were splitting the work into two, one half to come to me and the other half to go to a 'CGI' studio. It made me realise that it could be beneficial to learn that stuff as I see more and more work done this way now.

    I just can't imagine how long it must take to 'sculpt' or build these things architecturally and then to have to treat them in photoshop anyway, when I can generally just draw something and knock it up in PS as a 2d... but then again I am always screwed when a client wants to make a change to the angle or something.

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