
Out of context: Reply #1238

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  • ETM0

    Lame episode for a finale. Barely seemed more than any typical episode. Won't put any spoilers in yet for those that PVR'd it.

    I am just so sick of the season having so much initial potential for conflict and chaos and the chicken shit writers/producers are too afraid to make anything of true gravity or importance stick.

    On a side note, one thing I hate when any show does shape-shifting is the inconsistency on whether the person can or can't change their clothes as part of the power. With Syler, sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. Assuming shape-shifting was possible, how do you form new clothes around your body? Like switching to a SWAT guy and suddenly having the armor? It's one thing to control your body (organic matter) but it would be another power to manipulate inorganic matter around you.

    It annoys me the same as when shows show healing occur and the bleed out from the wound magically disappears too.

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