
Out of context: Reply #1237

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  • juhls0

    Watching the episode now. They're making Sylar seem like a bit of an idiot. Leaving Nathan in the room while speaking to Claire, and so on. Of course, part of his pleasure is derived from knowing his victims know who he is.

    I like Peter more when he randomly shows up every now and then to help out. Much better than the old Peter. He is growing on me. Nathan is, once again, going to be good and then evil, and then maybe good again. Obviously this will all unravel next season, but you can predict what will happen.

    I'm glad Tracy is back, but there's obviously more story there...
    I was hoping for the other clone to show up. Maybe it is her, who knows.

    Lame ending, overall. I know, I know. What else did I expect with how the series has been going lately. I have a disease though. I must watch it since I've been watching it all this time. Plus, I enjoy certain characters. Angela Petrelli can act with the best of them.

    I keep waiting for a big fight to occur. I thought the budget was low in the end of the first season, with the low use of special effects, but it has actually gotten worse with each season. Unreal. Even "Battlestar Galactica" had some amazing stuff for their budget.

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